
Have you ever tasted your ear wax?

Do you prefer to be by yourself or with someone else?

What dating advice would you give your younger self?

Do you like discussing or preparing what to be done in bed, or you prefer spontaneity?

What is the most daring thing that you've done in public?

How flexible are you?

How young were you when you started buying your own alcohol? Did you need a fake ID?

Have you ever sent an inappropriate text to a parent?

What do you like to do when you are alone?

Have you ever made out in an elevator?

What makes a good kisser?

If you had to wear a hat for the next week, what type of hat would you choose?

Have you ever worn the same underwear for more than one day?

What have you recently realized you have been doing wrong?

Do you prefer to be on top or bottom?

What's the worst thing you have ever done?

What country would you like to live in if you had the chance?

Have you ever been to jail?

Who are 5 famous people that you would like to have dinner with? They can either be dead or alive.

If you had to be renamed a name other than your own, which would you pick?

What is the most romantic thing that has ever been done for you?

What is the craziest pick up line you have ever heard?

What app do you hate, but use anyway?

Have you ever had sex with someone you met on Tinder?

Have you ever pulled a prank on your teacher? Tell your story!

Have you ever given oral sex?

Have you ever stolen something from a neighbor?

What happened on the worst day of your life?

What smell always brings back some type of memory?

Did you drink alcohol before you were legal to do so?

Have you ever kissed someone in public

What’s the wildest place you’ve ever had sex?

Have you ever said you finished your dinner when you really didn’t?

Have you done role-playing?

What are some things you don’t understand about the opposite sex?

Who is your favourite teacher, and why?

What's the hottest dream you've ever had?

What is your least favorite thing about your best friend?

What’s the craziest thing you’ve done in front of a mirror?

If you write a book, what would it be about?

What was your worst kiss?

What is the next skill that you'd like to learn really well?

What do you like to do that's traditionally considered masculine?

Do you wear makeup often?

What would you do if you were going to die in 3 days?

Who in this group would you want to see naked the least?

If you will have the chance to change your face, whose face would you want to look like?

When was the last time you orgasmed?

Do you love your parents?

What is the kinkiest thing you’ve done during sex?

What was your most recent experience of going down the rabbit hole?

How many pillows do you sleep with?

Have you ever gotten arrested or almost gotten arrested?

Name one thing on your bucket list.

Have you ever thrown up on a plane?

Who has the best sense of style?

What do you think about adventurous sex positions? If good, what is your favorite position? Why?

What's the strangest conversation you've had with someone?

Tell us your cheesiest pick-up line.

What is the shortest time it has taken you to orgasm?

If you had to go on a date with someone in this room, who would it be?

What is your favourite school subject?

What uncommon thing would you encourage everyone to try once?

Have you been in any fights at school?

How close is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people's?

Who was the last person you made happy and what did you do to do it?

What is the least favorite gift you’ve ever received?

What do you think about your IRL friends?

Have you ever been at an event that you think will one day be in history books?

What is something that someone does that will immediately turn you off?

Who in your family can you not believe you're related to?

What's the dumbest thing you've ever done on a dare?

What was the last big mistake you made?

Would you get married?

Do you receive or give more?

Have you ever been in a friends with benefits situation?

Are you a top or a bottom?

If you could lock someone up and throw away the key, would you and if so, who would that be?

If you knew you could live forever, how would you spend your days differently?

What's something that would be horrible if your parents found out?

If you had an entire day to spend in bed, how would you spend it?

Who's the most inappropriate person you've ever fantasied about?

Have you ever had a crush on someone here?

Do you snore?

Do you prefer the lights on or off during sex?

Have you ever had sex while drunk?

Do you believe in aliens?

What don't you want anyone in this group to ask you? (Be sure to keep it in mind for future rounds!)

Which of the 4 seasons is your favorite? Which month?

Have you had sex with someone in this group?

Where was your secret hiding place as a child?

If you could only listen to 3 songs for the rest of your life, which ones would they be?

What's the naughtiest thing you've gotten away with?

Do you like pancakes?

Who is the best looking person you've ever been with?

Would you make out with someone to climb up the social ladder?

What’s the least amount of time you’ve known someone before you’ve had sex with them?

What would you do with $1,000?

Who is the best roommate that you have ever had?

Have you ever worn lingerie?

Send the group a sexy photo.

Suck on the toes of one person in the group.

Rate everyone here 1-10 in terms of looks.

Lick the neck of the person next to you.

Give your friends your unlocked phone for 30 seconds

Send a picture of your pet doing something silly/cute

Send the last meme you saved to your phone

Send the first word that comes to your mind right now

Post the oldest photo on your phone

Describe everyone in the room in three words.

Prank call the last person that called you

Name as many types of car as you can

Change your status to "I'm a furry, deal with it uwu"

Do an impression of someone until another player can guess who you are

Ask someone out of a gender you aren't attracted to.

Send a photo of where you are

Let someone here do your makeup.

Show the last DM you sent without context

Make out with the person with their name last in alphabetical order.

Text your crush 'I love you'.

Share the most recent photo on your phone with the group.

Talk in a very deep voice for the next round

Text to your bff 'I kinda have a crush on you wanna go out?' And don't reply to any of their messages.

Send a paragraph to your crush about 3 things you love about them.

Name as many countries as you can

Imitate your least favorite celebrity

Everything you say for the next 5 rounds has to rhyme.

Tell your crush that you don't love them.

Reveal either your dick size or bra size to the group.

Pick one person in the group, and try to convince them to kiss you for 2 minutes. They have to refuse for 2 minutes, and then it's up to them.

Set your cell phone language to Spanish for the next 10 minutes

Name one thing you would change about each person here.

Send a weird picture of yourself.

Show everyone a picture of you when you were young.

Kiss someone of your same gender.

Call your crush and serenade them.

Have everyone here list something they like about you

Send a text to your crush explaining your favorite movie plot in vivid detail.

Make up a rap and sing it for 30 seconds

Let the group look through your phone for 30 seconds.

Look player of you choice in the eyes and whisper 'I'm coming' five times.

Google images of the first word that comes to your head and send the first image

Tell your crush you hate them.

Talk with a Russian accent for the next 3 rounds

Write a love poem to the first person in the offline list

Have someone in the group ask a question that you must answer

Link everyone to the last song you listened to.

Text the first six people in your message history 'a' and don't reply if they bring it up.

Attempt to turn the other players on using only sounds.

Ask a random person in this server if you've met them before

Invite anyone in the group's choosing to join the call.

Call someone you're playing with 'mommy' or 'daddy'

Prank call your best friend

Take a shot of lemon juice, and take one more every time someone picks dare.

Describe your crush, but don't give it away.

Call your first DM for no reason

Close your eyes and send a blind message to a random person

Send your crush something wholesome

Send the pleading emoji to the 2nd person in your DMs

Give yourself a haircut.

Show everyone the last picture in your camera roll.

Describe the last dream you had.

Let the group pose you in an embarrassing position and take a picture.

Type with only the left side of your keyboard for the next minute

Do an impression of your favorite celebrity

Type with only one finger for the next minute

Eat an ice cube

Take a shot of mustard or ketchup.

Show everyone the funniest meme in your camera roll.

Breakdance for the group.

Say UWU for as long as possible

Try not to blink for as long as possible

Stand up and spin in a circle three times.

Do as many pushups or situps as you can in a minute.

Show the group an embarrassing photo from your childhood.

Yell something dirty.

Suck on the person to your left's fingers for 30 seconds.

Prank call your enemy

Eat a piece of paper.

Describe the object closest to you until the group guesses the object.

Delete the last 10 pictures in your camera roll permanently (remove them from recently deleted too).

Make out with one person in the group for 30 seconds.

Switch to Discord light mode for the rest of the day

Pair everyone here up into couples.

Paint your fingernails with a crayon

Make an owo emote for the group.

Sharpie an embarrassing message on any part of the body covered by clothing.

Change your Discord PFP to whatever the group decides.

Send knee pics to the group.

Howl like a wolf

Show the last text message you have received without context .

Type with your fists for the next minute

List everyone as the emoji(s) you think best fits them.

Pick one person here to go into a closet or small room with you for 5 minutes.

Type as fast as you can for the next minute

Do your best impersonation of the question asker or someone in the group.

Call your crush and try to make conversation for a minute.

Send a photo of your desk

Send your best friend "I hate you" and don't respond to any of their messages.

Let the group decide your outfit for tomorrow.